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Organic Vegetables


Nutritional Consultant


I provide sound nutritional and health advice to my clients. I assist in planning well-balanced meals, advising on best nutrition practices, suggesting lifestyle changes, and sometimes even teaching you to prepare the food yourself. 

By uncovering how your choices and lifestyle habits are influencing your current state of health, I can make recommendations to optimize your efforts to achieve your peak health and weight through a sustainable sound approach.

I studied nutrition in 1990 and became a certified Nutritional Consultant through the Packard School of Nutrition. Did you know that the Heart and Stroke Association promotes eating 7 – 10 servings of fruits and vegetables per day to prevent heart attack and stroke? Me either.  I have never heard them advertising and promoting this but happened to gather information years ago for a presentation and discovered this. This proves that we need to be eating a predominately plant-based diet. Most of the grains that we are ingesting anymore are so heavily sprayed with chemicals that it’s compromising our health unless they’re organic. The meat that you buy in the grocery store is from factory farms and they are grown in inhumane conditions and also butchered inhumanely. If you want to consume meat, then buy it straight from the rancher or farmer and ask questions on how they’re raised and butchered. Over the years, I have helped many to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into their diets.

Chronic Acidosis Equals Fibromyalgia

By: Dr. Darrell Wolfe

Author of the Best Selling Book ‘Healthy To 100’, International Lecturer, Teacher and World Renowned Health Practitioner

Symptoms are simple, fast money-makers. Instead of society drugging her to shut her down and to shut her up, why don’t they just get their hands out of her pockets and search for the true cause. Causes take dedication; being involved does not mean dedicated. Why don’t they just come from their heart and find out why she’s truly hurting? Roughly 5 million Americans have Fibromyalgia. This means that 1 in 50 or 2% of the entire American population suffers from Fibromyalgia, the second most common musculoskeletal ailment, after Osteoarthritis. 90% of Fibromyalgia fighters are female. Fibromyalgia is acidosis and internal scar tissue formation of the muscle tissues, end of story. You’re getting eaten from the inside out.

Fibromyalgia is a symptom of a poorly managed body. Being compared to the average person is not a good thing. Our medical system changes its definition of normal every few years to suit the majority, due to the decline of the so-called average person’s normal health. How convenient (evil plot)!

Liver toxicity is becoming more common as a result of our exposure to higher toxicity levels in our daily lives. Liver toxicity develops as a result of being overwhelmed by too many toxins. This will exhaust the liver of its vital energy and essential nutrients resulting in lowered immunity.

Damage can be done to the liver by chemicals, toxic substances such as heavy metals, prescription medications, cigarettes, recreational drugs and alcohol. The liver plays a crucial role in the detoxification of the body by cleaning the blood of toxic chemicals. Harmful toxic substances that enter the bloodstream from the large intestine (colon) are broken down and metabolized by the liver into a water soluble form. Made harmless, they now can be flushed out of the body through the bile or the kidneys. Truly, the real problem is, everybody wants a piece of the action. The problem always starts off as something small but turns out to be a nightmare because we turn our backs on Nature and embrace man-ipulation. You know what has to be done.

The SAD Diet

Studies have shown that a Whole Plant Based diet not only prevents but also can reverse conditions that a SAD diet creates. Because of the so-called Standard American Diet, aptly called ‘SAD’, digested food becomes so sticky due to lack of fiber, nutrients and Structured Water, it does not move along at the proper rate. This creates advanced putrefaction (toxic waste) by the time it reaches the large intestine due to the lack of vital life force.

The large intestine is a living, breathing organ made up of billions of cells which are too often bathing in this SAD, stagnant, toxic waste. This toxic debris becomes absorbed into the bloodstream, polluting the rest of the body’s organs and tissue cells. Sooner or later, the colon can no longer handle this toxic load and all Hell-th breaks loose. Your kids are not lazy or bad. They’re just spoiled rotten from the low vibrational water and foods that you bring home. Either we train ourselves and our family or we end up in treatment. Join our club today!

The Royal Society of Medicine

The Royal Society of Medicine did a major study and found that a dysfunctional large intestine (colon) is the contributor to 85% of disease and illness from which we suffer. I believe and will prove conclusively that if this organ is not cleansed and nourished on a daily basis, it generates the fuel (absorbed toxic waste) that creates most of the illness and pain we suffer on an emotional and physical level. Until your colon (large intestine) gets the attention and co-operation it deserves, you will not be able to prevent or reverse illness effectively.

Remember, no one is happy when they’re feeling crappy and yes, I am referring to the literal sense. For a society so medically advanced and in search of health (drug based) breakthroughs, why is it still so complicated for many to see, feel and smell the obvious? When it comes to how people feel and look, what was once abnormal has now become commonplace. To illustrate this point, the next time you go to a public place make a conscious effort to look around and maybe even look down. You decide if I am correct. The majority of men and women appear to be 3 to 6 months pregnant. This is not just excess weight… this is also extreme putrefaction (rotting) in the large intestine – unconscious living in full bloom.

I often have patients in my office constantly telling me how sick and tired they feel. In response, I propose this question: Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?” If so, let’s change it! In the ‘Healthy to 100’ Club, you will have the tools to Master Your Health and Well-being. Fear of the unknown will become the illusion as opposed to being the reality. Unconscious living is a silent but deadly force and The Whole Truth About Health, is the antidote.

The Guardians Of Life

Most people believe that their body is mainly composed of cells. 90% of the cells in your body actually belong to bacteria. Scientists realize that unbalanced microbial (bacterial) communities in the digestive tract, mainly the colon, are the root cause of the pain and disease we suffer today. Almost all dysfunctions of the brain can be connected to the digestive tract as the cause. Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, stated that ‘All diseases begin in the intestines.’ The more science learns, the more we realize just how correct Hippocrates was. Your intestines play the most significant role when it comes to diseases such as: Allergic Disorders, Asthma, Hay Fever, Heart Disease, Cancer and yes, Obesity. Good bacteria are absent in those who suffer from Inflammatory Diseases, such as Colitis and Crohn’s Disease.

Other conditions greatly influenced by a toxic, unbalanced colon are as follows: Type 1 and 2 Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Kidney Problems, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Urinary Conditions, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ulcerative Colitis, Osteoarthritis, chronic skin conditions, degenerative conditions and other inflammatory bowel diseases. As I stated earlier this is no coincidence; almost all diseases get their foothold in the digestive tract, mainly in the colon. This includes both physical and mental conditions. Don’t think for a minute that pharmaceutical companies are not aware that you are giving up a piece of your immune system every time you take antibiotics to attack a virus, bad bacteria or infection to find only that your intestines are now overrun by fungus (evil plot). The first rule, that any practitioner with any common sense knows, is that antibiotics should only be used in life-threatening situations because continual use of antibiotics causes life-threatening situations.

A compromised immune system is the major cause of most disease. As mentioned before, you cannot go to war or attack your body and come out in one piece. The fungus (Candida) you created will leave you vulnerable and open to more and bigger problems than you started with. By taking antibiotics you have given a piece of your immune system away within days, which will now take years to replace or may never be replaced. Oh, and by the way, those bad bacteria that you thought you killed, have now mutated, are becoming immune to the antibiotics and are now seeking revenge. You cannot make your body a war zone and win. The only way to regain your health and keep it is to create an environment in which the invaders cannot exist. Bacteria outnumber our cells by 10 to 1. Your health rests on you keeping a proper balance of 85% good bacteria and no more than 15% bad bacteria.

As long as these bacteria are in proper balance, they will keep you in balance physically, mentally and emotionally. For most it is the exact reverse, or worse, 85% bad bacteria to 15% good bacteria, oops! We have 100 trillion microbes living on our skin, up our nose and on any body surface you can think of. Your digestive tract makes up ‘80-85% of your immune system.’

The greatest percentage of your immune system resides in the mother of all organs, the large intestine (colon). These good microbes (bacteria) help break down fibers, harvest calories, and protect us from micro-invasion, when kept in balance. Your gut functions as your body’s second brain. It produces even more serotonin than your brain does. Serotonin has a beneficial effect on balancing your mood. 1 out of 4 Americans will eat a high fat, high carbohydrate fast food meal each and every day. Because 25% of the population participates in this type of eating, it is widely accepted. These eating habits have a negative impact on the body and because most of the population participates, it is regarded as normal; I call it unconscious living. When your bacteria go from friendly to unfriendly they will become downright pathogenic, leaking noxious by-products (endotoxin), which will cause all ‘cell’ to break loose; this is the beginning of your demise. When this happens the domino effect begins and these trillions of bacteria will turn on you and make your life a living hell.

Acidosis, inflammation, internal scar tissue, degeneration, cell mutation and disease will be the result. Dead Meat Bacteria = Endotoxemia (endotoxin in the blood): After a meal of animal products people suffer from Endotoxemia. Their blood stream becomes awash with bacterial toxins, known as endotoxins that are present in animal products. These dead meat bacterial toxins are not destroyed by stomach acid, pancreatic enzymes, cooking or even boiling for hours. Animal fat triggers immediate inflammation within the body due to being loaded with endobacteria, even if fully cooked. Saturated animal fat then boosts the absorption of these endotoxins into our blood stream causing arterial paralysis (high blood pressure). Another cause of Endotoxemia is a greasy, refined carbohydrate meal. This will cause inflammation due to the release of endotoxin from the outer walls of the bad bacteria that now live in your colon. Endotoxin, if not eliminated daily from your colon through Gentle Daily Cleansing, can and will be absorbed into the blood stream causing inflammation to the weakest parts of the body or throughout the whole body. This inflammation is created by the body to warn you of a perceived threat or injury.

If left unattended the body initiates a secondary support system which starts continual fibrin production to the area of concern in order to wall off the inflammation overload, until you incorporate a Whole Plant Based Lifestyle and gently cleanse on a daily basis. This continual inflammation and fibrin production, if not halted, will drain you of your vital energy, essential nutrients and will create massive internal scar tissue which will gradually immobilize, deteriorate, mutate and distort the tissues, organs and bones in the area of concern. Every disease whether it’s a muscle or organ has internal scar tissue involvement where inflammation is present. Hello ‘invisible bonds’.

Many will suffer massive internal scar tissue formation as if there has been a physical injury to the area, all due to mismanagement and misinformation (evil plot). For the body to run at peek performance there cannot be energy wastage. To be at war with one’s self for more than short periods, will cripple critically needed defense systems of the body by exhausting the body of its energy. When you continually try to kill the pain using drugs, over time you are slowly and unknowingly killing yourself (oops).

Inflammation comes in many forms. The redness and pain experienced in an affected area of the body is a built-in safety mechanism to help ward off further invasion of microbes. In the case of flu, you will experience fever, aches and pains throughout the body. This represents a body-wide ‘seek and destroy’ mission aimed at ‘invading virus’. These symptoms are all essential for our survival. They warn of a perceived threat or injury. Even though these symptoms of inflammation are a protective device for survival they will cause injury if allowed to persist or are suppressed through drugs. Vital energy will be drained from the body leaving you exhausted and unprotected in both cases.

How was your energy level during this time of needless suffering? Low, because your immune system was low (energy leakage). If inflammation is eliminated through drugs or just not attended to, you will become more acidic, create more internal scar tissue, creating crippling invisible bonds and never regain the energy needed to heal unless the cause is dealt with; this being the balance of bacteria in your large intestine. Once you cleanse and heal your colon by replenishing and restoring your body on a daily basis your digestive system will start functioning properly again and disease symptoms will disappear.

When not under threat, the body uses energy for cellular repair, maintenance and yes, sex. Life is great once again. When a threat arises hormone related activity decreases to a minimum. Non-essential tasks will be shut down and other body systems and functions will be rationed. The majority of your energy will go to fight the threat. Forget tomorrow, the priority is to preserve the self today. Right about now you should be having a gut feeling where the answer lies. The challenge for most people occurs when they have never had a nutritional strategy to optimize colon integrity.

Health and disease are born in The Mother Of All Organs so Drink Life In and Take Life On with Whole Plant Based Superfoods. Lighten Your Load with Gentle Daily Cleansing and say goodbye to ‘Endo’. Be The Cure That You’ve Been Searching For! Master your health and join our club today!

Contraction The Chain Reaction

Let me explain why almost all body pain, physical degeneration and chronic recurring injury are not just preventable but unnecessary when you come from a proper foundation on all levels. The secret to the fountain of your youth does not lie just within the physical but also the mental. When the mind over reacts it causes contraction, shutting down our life force. The fuel is fear, doubt and worry, the result is pain, inflammation, energy depletion and a life ruled by chaos, and last but not least, a severe drop in your pH causing you to become acidic thus forming crystallization and internal scar tissue. The heart creates, causing expansion of our life force. The result being a life filled with an abundance of love, laughter, forgiveness, gratitude and a body free of pain, able to rest, repair, restore, and regenerate – The Natural Way because we are now raising our pH to an alkaline state.

Every person and every thing has a frequency ranging from high to low, meaning strong to weak. A large percentage of society today is in a contracted state thus vibrating at the low level of fear, doubt and worry. This low vibrational frequency promotes a lowered immune system and sickness because like attracts like. Toxic, processed, fried, microwaved food contracts, lowering the body’s frequency and energy. This causes acidity, pain, spasm, crystallization, internal scar tissue (invisible bonds), mutation and disease.

Whole Plant Based Superfood expands, raising the body’s frequency to repair, regenerate, restore and revitalize. Dancing, laughter, yoga, swimming, stretching, meditation and praying are expanding forces; whereas weightlifting without stretching is contractual leaving one acidic, stiff and out of balance. Running without stretching is also contractual leaving one acidic, stiff and out of balance.

Hurting oneself or someone else without forgiveness is contractual and will leave you acidic, stiff, in pain and out of balance. One might say we live in a downright uptight society. If we do not learn to lighten up, there is only one outcome; to tighten up (invisible bonds). On the topic of ‘lighten up’, what do you think the most common mineral deficiency is in the North American population? The clue, I stated most of us live in a contracted low vibrational frequency, so we’re basically uptight physically and drained emotionally.

What is the main mineral used up by the body when we are uptight and out of balance? The answer is magnesium. This mineral is used to rest, relax and repair; to keep things open and keep things moving. One example when this mineral becomes deficient is heart problems such as heart attack. If we look at the digestive tract in the way of contraction and expansion, contraction is constipation and two to three well-formed bowel movements a day is expansion. How’s that working for you?

It would be best to embrace and learn how to effectively raise your vibrational frequency and live an expanded lifestyle. You can lighten up or tighten up on many levels; it’s always been your choice. Love is the greatest expander (healer) but even drinking a glass of Structured Water™ is a start. All negative emotion such as fear, doubt and worry are contractual in nature and will shut down proper circulation, reducing the supply of oxygen and nutrition to the cells. This will cause a lower vibrational frequency, creating an acidic environment throughout the body.

You will know when you have created an acidic environment within your tissues and joints for they will feel stiff, sticky and painful. This is where it all begins, so if you are not aware of how this develops then this dysfunctional program will continue, internal scar tissue will form and you will prematurely age with invisible bonds. You can become crippled physically, at any age, but there is a greater chance of this happening as you get older.

We usually become more toxic and stuck in our ways with age, due to the accumulation of toxic waste and a colon that lacks tone. You have been unconsciously programed with Belief Systems that do not serve your greater good (evil plot).

Is it a physical problem or a mental one that rules the physical, U choose; but haven’t you already chosen?! Every negative emotion and thought if held longer then 30 seconds will cause muscles to tighten, breathing to become shallow, or more shallow and, of course, old faithful, the fight or flight response. This is where your adrenals kick in, responding to the illusion of a life threat. How many times do you trigger this program everyday, consciously or unconsciously? The result from this; drained of vital energy, painful stiff muscles from the acid you have just created with your mind (mind over matter). Continual knee-jerk reactions repeated enough times means your joints won’t be able to move because of all the acid, crystallization and internal scar tissue (invisible bonds) from your stinkin’ thinkin’.

Shoulders rounded almost permanently to protect your heart against the big, bad world and head down because that’s where you are heading (low vibrational frequency). If you have a distorted view of the world, life, love or yourself, you may just distort your health, heck, even your muscles and bones. Muscle spasms, inflammation, internal scar tissue and premature degeneration are all due to continual physical contraction, whereas with sickness and crippling conditions you must totally dedicate yourself to a low vibrational contracted lifestyle, for these are chronic and more severe in nature.

Reactive or Creative, make a choice but choose wisely. Love and life depend on it.   For myself I’ve lived through a thousand deaths within my mind, it gets tiring, to say the least. I’ve done the drama queen show but realized that the world was not going to change for me or save me. Enough already! I am ready to take total responsibility for my life and well-being. I realize that true happiness is not found externally and that all answers lie within the changes that I make for myself.

This is where all true change must take place if we wish to be the Master of our life and the body we live in. Oh, but to free up your joints and muscles you must open the mind, open the heart, become pliable, flexible mentally and physically. Flow freely into life and embrace Nature’s Whole Plant Based Foods and Structured Water, so your body may do the same. Take Life In and join our Healthy to 100 Community to set your body free from these invisible bonds. Feed your spirit and live to your full potential. Be The Cure U wish to see!

A Strong Foundation

What if you could have the health and body you always dreamed of and would never feel the need to take another pain killer?

This is not a tall order to fill. First we must build a strong foundation that supports and protects the body on a daily basis. This being the choices we make throughout our day, every day. Then, and only then, is when we should start to fill up our cupboard with more bottles.

I will show you why deep cleanses are not ideal in today’s environment and that Gentle Daily Cleansing, along with what you take into your body everyday outweighs any medical or single nutrient breakthrough. For years I have been known as the ‘Doc of Detox’. If I could show you the major cause of how we unknowingly become sick, in pain and overweight and how you can truly become the Master of your Body, how would this make you feel?

How would this make you change the way you look at life?

How would this affect the rest of your life?

Never again searching for the next weight loss miracle or miracle cure or painkiller. Near the end of our life when we look back it won’t be about the money or the big house. It will be about the difference we have made with our loved ones… with everyone.

I know that I can’t stop the war on cancer or end starvation, but what I do know is that I can make a difference one person at a time. Small, simple, life changing steps create big change. That big change is called the Healthy to 100 Club written by Doctor Darrel Wolfe which can be purchased through the Doc of Detox store.

The Rules of Health Have Changed and So Must We

These are very toxic times that we live in. No longer will the 2-3 week spring cleanse, supplementation and filtered water even come close to pulling you out of this toxic fire. It will be very challenging for those who do not recognize or have the understanding that the environment concerning health and well-being has drastically changed over the last 25 years. You will need to pay more attention to the health choices that you are making on a daily basis. No longer will supplements and a few health tips, in any way, protect you from this unhealthy climate that the average person is immersed in on a daily basis.

The climate concerning the health of the environment has and is changing rapidly and not in your favor. It has been common practice in the past, for those who strive to be healthy and stay healthy, to deep cleanse every few months from 3 days to 3 weeks long. 3 days is not long enough to do the job. 3 weeks of a deep cleanse will definitely remove many toxins but it can be very hard on your body because our detox organs are severely overburdened and backed up. Safer and long lasting results can and are accomplished through Gentle Daily Cleansing and simple guidelines when followed daily without the ‘no pain no gain theory’. Some practitioners promote what I call, ‘The Spring Cleanse’.

Why would you pile up toxic waste in your body that causes most of the pain, suffering, disease, and yes, even premature death that many experience?

Incorrect information and ineffective training has caused most health practitioners to practice the same way as the medical system does. Allowing the patient to go into a health crisis and then come to their rescue, because we have been educated in the same manner. 75 years ago our environment was not in this toxic state.

Should we gently cleanse daily for prevention or should we stay with the old rules and pile up that which does not serve us, and then do a cleanse every few months that only delivers temporary relief?

This attitude of ‘create the problem and rush to the rescue’ must end if you wish to make a permanent difference in our health. Let logic prevail. Unless your practitioner is empowering you to Master your own well-being with gentle baby steps on a daily basis, they are keeping you from the health that you truly deserve.

Nature does not just cleanse in the spring, she does it on a daily basis. If Nature were to let toxic waste pile up and did not cleanse and nourish on a daily basis, then humankind would become extinct. Your body is no different. Yes, deep cleanses have benefit but only if your organs are not backed up and in a state of fatigue. The majority of the population will never experience long-term benefit from deep cleanses, nor the vibrant health they seek, because permanent health only comes with gentle steps done daily each and every day. The rules to having and maintaining a healthy body have changed, but the proper training and guidance has not come with it, as we see with our family and friends. Our immune systems are now under attack 24/7 in this new toxic reality and health care today has mistreated and guided most into an unhealthy state of being.

When it comes to natural health people have been taught to dive into a deep cleanse when they feel they’re in trouble and then fall out during or right after the deep cleanse, going back to the bad habits and symptoms they were trying to rid themselves of in the first place. At the ‘Doc of Detox’ we have created the most effective, simplistic program to guide, protect and empower you step-by-step and day-by-day, because the rules have changed, and as therapists we must teach this new reality if we wish to make a permanent difference in the health and well-being of our patients.

It is a much wiser practitioner that teaches their patients to do a little each and every day to ensure that they stay vibrant, happy, healthy and disease-free on a continual basis, than one who continually runs to their rescue pretending to save them. An ounce of prevention daily is worth a pound of cure. Small baby steps daily will prevent you from needing the pound of cure. Our success as practitioners is measured by the success of our patients.


The food chain is and has been broken for 50 years. Most have come to realize that it is impossible to get the nutrients needed from our foods to have a healthy, vibrant body. The Doc of Detox is about bridging that gap and delivering the most effective techniques, training and foundational nutrition in the most simplistic and cost effective way, so that you can regain and keep that which has always been your universal right – GREAT HEALTH!

Give a man a fish and he will be healthy for a day. Teach a man how to fish and he will be healthy for life. There has been almost a generation of deception, selling off nature and our health, one piece at a time, favoring the new and improved and the latest and greatest medical or nutritional supplement breakthrough. When you strip away the commercial health that most receive and return to foundational nutrition and detoxification, you will no longer be patients, you will be masters of your own well-being.

Although fruits and vegetables should always be your first choice, they have been absent of the foundational nutrients to create or sustain a healthy body since the 1940’s. You now need roughly 10 servings of vegetables and fruits just to obtain the nutritional equivalent of 1 serving from 50 years ago. We are not cows, and I am not about to believe that anyone is going to eat 10 servings of any one thing in a given day only to find out that they’re still nutritionally depleted. You will never be depleted nutritionally when you know the truth and how to take personal action. You’re either being taught how to regain your health or you’re being left powerless like many patients today. You cannot do better until you have been taught better. If you’re not taking personal action by taking gentle baby steps on a day-to-day basis, you will eventually end up on your back, broke, sick and in pain.

The Highway Of Life: Your Digestive Tract

If you do not know how to drive on this highway, you may have a fatal crash.

So put yourself in the driver’s seat and get ready to learn where the majority of your immune system lives and where the fate of your life resides.

Digestion is a physical and chemical process.

The digestive tract is 25 to 30 feet long and will process 60,000 to 100,000 pounds of food during one lifetime.

Four Primary Functions Of The Digestive Tract Are:

  1. Secretion: Producing digestive enzymes and preparing food for adsorption.

  2. Motor/Peristaltic Movement: Transporting food through the digestive system from the front door to the back door.

  3. Absorption: Assimilation of nutrients released through digestion.

  4. Elimination of toxic waste products.

Before explaining your amazing digestive tract, I would like to say that it is not how much you eat, but the real importance is what you eat. But the reality is, it’s not JUST what you eat, but what you DIGEST.

Most people have an ineffective, congested, toxic digestive tract filled with a thick mucoprotein, which is not capable of breaking down foodstuffs properly.

Most people digest only 2/10 of their food.

However, with Gentle Daily Cleansing and introducing a Whole Plant Based Diet, digestion is increased to 8/10 or more because of their improved digestive capabilities and restored immune system.

Just the sight, smell or thought of food can trigger the digestive process. Salivation is the first response. Saliva from the sublingual and sub-maxillary glands is produced in the mouth and it contains ptyalin, which changes some of the starches in the food to sugar.

The selection of raw, fresh and whole food is the most important factor. The next factor is proper food combining.

Do not make the mistake that most make: To have 4 inches of pleasure (that slice of pizza) for 30 feet of hell (that slice going through your digestive tract). This can be a very bumpy highway.

Where Does Digestion Start, Or Better Still, When?

There are six salivary glands, three on each side of the face. Salivary secretion is normally a reflex of psychic and physical stimuli. The enzyme in saliva is called ptyalin and is an amylase, which acts on starch. It also helps trigger gastric juices and makes the passage of food through the esophagus (throat) smoother.

Food taken in is broke into small particles by the teeth. The more one chews his food, the smaller the particles. The smaller the particles, the easier it becomes for the enzymes to work on the breaking down of trapped nutrients. Before swallowing, we must chew our food thoroughly or digestion becomes incomplete before we have even started.

There is a saying that I live by to ‘Live Healthy To 100′, “drink your solids and chew your liquids.”

The next process is swallowing our food. The food we are swallowing is called a bolus because of its ball-like shape. As the tongue pushes the bolus back into the throat, we stop breathing. The epiglottis – otherwise trap door – automatically closes the larynx, a funnel-shaped structure leading to the esophagus. The esophagus is the passageway to the stomach. When the esophagus is empty it is flattened from front to back. It is 10″ long and attaches the pharynx to the stomach.

The esophagus, like the rest of the digestive tract, has layers of circular and vertical muscles that produce a squeezing, rippling action called peristalsis. Peristalsis is similar to the movement of a snake. Food takes 10 seconds to go from the throat to the stomach. Have you noticed you can swallow food and minutes later have or feel like you could have a bowel movement? This is called the ripple effect and is normal in babies and adults with healthy digestive tracts.

The stomach is a pear-shaped elastic bag that can hold up to 2.5 pints of food when moderately filled, but it can hold 5 pints when full. We must avoid overloading the stomach; this is a silent killer for most of the population.

The stomach has two main purposes, which are storage and preliminary digestion. Food remains in the stomach for 2 to 4 hours but very little nutrient absorption takes place in the stomach. The digestive liquids in the stomach are hydrochloric acid, pepsin and renin and are the chemical part of digestion. The bolus is then broken down by a chemical and physical action like that of a washing machine.

The physical action created by the stomach is created by the musculature called ruggae. The ruggae’s contract the bolus (swallowed food) down into what we call chyme (liquid found in the stomach). These digestive liquids help to break the food down into small components, which neutralize the salivary juices and kill most harmful bacteria and parasites. A healthy stomach is like a guard dog against unwelcome invaders.

The stomach has 3 layers of muscles contracting in different directions, which also aids the breaking down of the bolus.

Carbohydrates will leave the stomach in less time than proteins or fats because these substances are harder to digest.

As food leaves the stomach it reaches the pyloric sphincter muscle valve. This muscle regulates the flow of chyme into the duodenum allowing only small amounts of food in at a time. The length from the pyloric sphincter to the anus is 6 times longer than its owner. The horseshoe duodenum makes up the first 10 inches of the small intestine.

There are 3 parts to the small intestine: The duodenum, jejunum and the ileum. The length of the small intestine is 23 feet or 7 meters in length. It begins at the pyloric sphincter, which is at the bottom of the stomach and ends at the Ileocecal valve, the beginning of the large intestine.

The diameter of the small intestine at the pyloric sphincter is 1-3/8 inches or 4 centimeters and at the Ileocecal valve it is 1 inch or 2.5 centimeters.

Food is mixed with an alkaline solution when in the mouth. It becomes acid in the stomach, and then alkaline in the small intestine and slightly acid in the colon. The chyme entering the duodenum is full of hydrochloric acid, which is neutralized by alkaline digestive liquids. The hormone secretion is released by the duodenum and jejunum due to the stimulation of hydrochloric acid. This secretion helps to release the flow of bile and pancreatic liquids, which in turn further the breakdown of chyme, preparing it for absorption into the lymphatic system and portal vein. Pancreatic liquids coming from the pancreas are protease for proteins, lipase for fats and amylase for starches. Bile is produced by the liver, stored in the gall bladder and dumped into the small intestine for the breakdown of fats. Bile prepares the fats so that the enzyme lipase can complete its digestion. Trypsin completes the digestion of proteins, and amylopsin completes the digestion of starches in the small intestine.

The small intestine has hair like tentacles (villi), which stick out of the intestinal wall. These hair-like tentacles are responsible for the movements and the absorption of the smaller food particles and nutrients.

For every square inch of intestinal wall, there are 3,500 villi. An improper diet can destroy these hair-like structures, which therefore destroy the potential for nutrient absorption; this can lead to premature death.

Chemicals, additives, hot drinks, fatty foods, fried foods, starches, sugar, processed foods, pharmaceutical drugs (antibiotics) and alcohol are all destructive to villi. Destruction of villi can lead to major intestinal complications.

The peristaltic action is the alternate contraction and relaxation of the intestinal muscle tissue. This action breaks up and transports food and occurs every 2 to 3 seconds in the small intestine but slows down, as we get closer to the Ileocecal valve, which is the one-way door to the large intestine.

The villi take the nutrients, separating, categorizing and distributing them. The lymphatic’s carry the fat away from the digestive system, and the blood vessels transport digestive protein and carbohydrates to the liver. The leftover acid residue spilling over into the large intestine aids the prevention of putrefactive bacteria. After digestion is complete in the small intestine, the digested food moves through a one-way valve called the Ileocecal valve, at the beginning of the large intestine. This valve helps to prevent back up of bad bacteria, parasites and putrefactive material from entering the ileum.

The cecum is 2 1/8 inches or 6 centimeters in length and 3 inches or 7 ½ centimeters wide. The cecum is very tenacious; and it is the toughest part of the colon. This is a major breeding ground for parasites. The length of the large intestine is 5-7 feet long.

The main function of the large intestine is the formation and excretion of feces from the body. There are two parts to the large intestine – the right and left half. The right half – includes the cecum, ascending and half way across the transverse part – is concerned with the completion of digestion and absorption of food. The left half -includes the left side of the transverse, descending, sigmoid and rectum – is responsible for storage and excretion of the intestinal debris. The undigested food that may escape through the Ileocecal valve is broken down in the ascending and right side of the transverse colon. Water is readily absorbed by the colon, which is excreted 20 minutes later by the kidneys. As the debris reaches the mid-way point of the transverse, it loses its fluid-like consistency and turns into a semi mush-like substance.

The ascending colon is approximately 8 inches or 20 centimeters in length and it precedes the cecum. It passes in front of the right kidney and below the liver and gallbladder, where it becomes the hepatic flexure, which turns into the transverse colon running across the abdomen, from right to left under the stomach. The transverse colon is approximately 20 inches or 40 to 50 centimeters long and runs to the splenic flexure. When the debris reaches the splenic flexure it is a semi solid. At the splenic flexure the colon makes a right angle going downward towards the left hip. When food reaches the halfway point of the descending colon, which is in line with your belly button, it is in a solid state in front of the left kidney. The descending colon is approximately 10 to 12 inches or 25 to 30 centimeters in length. From the descending colon, the debris enters the sigmoid, which is approximately 16 inches or 40 centimeters long. The sigmoid is horseshoe in shape, making a right turn into the groin region. From the sigmoid the debris enters the rectum, which is approximately 4 to 5 inches or 10 to 12 centimeters in length. The diameter of the rectum, when empty, is 2 inches or 5 centimeters. When full its diameter is 3 to 4 inches or 7 ½ to 10 centimeters. There are two sphincters in the rectum; these are the internal and external sphincters. These sphincters control the outlet and inlet of the anal canal. The internal sphincter, you do not control, it is involuntary and the external is voluntary, which you do control.

The feces are made up of waste from the blood, mucus, epithelium tissue, bacteria and undigested residue of food.

Colon Function And Digestion

The colon is an endocrine organ; it directly influences the activity of the pancreas and other organs of digestion. Gentle daily cleansing helps to establish and maintain proper balance in the process of secretion, digestion and detoxification.

The major absorption function of the colon is found to be the conservation of water; however, recent animal and human studies indicates that short chain fatty acids, ammonia, and other bacteria metabolites are also absorbed. The amount absorbed is linked to the salt and water absorption, bowel habits, excretion of toxic substances and metabolism.

On the average, 20 ounces of digested food pass into the colon each day.

About 16 ounces of this is water and minerals, which should be absorbed into the bloodstream, but this is not the case in the majority of the population. The majority of the population absorbs excessive amounts of toxins and putrefactive material due to lack of proper knowledge on daily maintenance and cleansing to protect the organ that houses the majority of your immune system, this being the large intestine.

So now that you understand the importance of this highway, put yourself in the driver’s seat to become the Master of your health and you will finally have the trip of a lifetime filled with joy and bliss.

Fragmented Nutrition – Fragmented Health

Almost 90% of the nutritional supplements on store shelves are filled with empty promises that fall short with their delivery and may even cause negative side effects. At the ‘Doc of Detox’ we pride ourselves by using the most potent forms of Whole Plant Based Superfoods for whole body healing.

I would like to address one of the greatest planned and man-ipulated nutritional stings orchestrated by the supplement industry that has been programmed into the average person and health practitioners as well. Just so you understand, I spent the first 20 years of my health career down this rabbit hole of confusion. 68% of the population takes some form of nutritional supplement, 52% on a regular basis. The majority of these people are in the ‘one a day’ supplement group. They are flushing their money literally down the toilet.

This is because most fragmented supplements are nutritionally useless, and some are even downright dangerous because they are synthesized and are viewed as ‘alien’ by your body. Many of these fragmented, man-made supplements that are labeled natural are a complete waste of money and can be reclaimed at your local sewage treatment plant (recycle, reuse). Inferior nutrition = an Inferior body. The supplement industry knows very well how the propaganda machine operates; Pharma has been a great teacher along the way. They will do whatever it takes to distract you from The Whole Truth About Health because once you realize that Whole Plant Based Superfood Nutrition is the answer and the only answer; their involvement in your life will change. We can say that a specific nutrient has the ability to eliminate a disease or perform a specific function but what is not disclosed by the manufacturers is that this only occurs when this nutrient is found in its whole form, this being in the form of Whole Plant Based Food.

The supplement industry leads you to believe that they can take a single active ingredient from Whole Plant Based Foods and sell us the same nutritional results as if it were a whole food. Limited science will always give us limited results and fall short with their ‘nutritional promises’, known as single supplements. Most natural health practitioners are trained in this manner or should I say programmed in this manner. Teaching their patients, the best they know how, but continually missing the mark to helping their patients Master their own health.

The food chain broke when the ‘parts’ became more profitable to the corporations controlling our food source. Here at the ‘Doc of Detox’ we promise to provide you with correct information and the support that you deserve to ensure that we are helping you bridge the gap to your permanent success.

Fragmented Nutrition

Almost all nutrients cannot function properly alone. It is an ‘all for one and one for all’ mission. As in the case of enzymes, they cannot function properly without minerals. In the absence of minerals, vitamins have no function. Lacking vitamins, the system can make use of the minerals, but lacking minerals, vitamins are useless. For every fragmented nutrient breakthrough they have more products to sell, resulting in more profit. Problems arise when we think a nutrient breakthrough is actually a health breakthrough. This year it’s vitamin A; next year it’s vitamin C, the following, Calcium. You get the picture.

When you sell just the nutrient and not the whole package, you are only selling a piece of the truth, not the whole truth. Most commercially sold, so-called Superfood supplements contain 15-71 ingredients or more, but many of these Superfoods are in trace amounts, too small to deliver any real health benefits. It is not just the layperson that buys into this savvy marketing but many health practitioners do the same, when all they want to do is help. But an empty promise is an empty promise, no matter how good their intentions are. Most health practitioners end up going through this learning curve, I know I did. Invest is short for investigate. I did my research; make sure that you do yours. Your body is depending on it.

Today’s western diet has double the calories of a consumer in 1965 and we are receiving 75% less nutrient value for the current calories consumed. Quality whole plant based nutrient supplementation on a daily basis is not an option but a necessity for a pain-free, disease-free body. The average American consumes over 3200 calories per day but they are receiving 75% less in nutrient value than they did in the mid ‘60s with 1500 calories a day. Today, we are over consuming, yet we’re still undernourished. It’s not a mystery that there is a pandemic of obesity in America today. As you read this, 34.8% of the US population is medically diagnosed as morbidly obese, and another 32% are diagnosed as obese. More than two-thirds of America’s population today is overweight! At the Doc of Detox we feel you will know better because you have been taught to know better.

High Vibrational Food

Most health practitioners believe there are only three food groups, these being carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Since we are living in extremely toxic times, there is a fourth that must be considered as the most important, this being high vibrational frequency foods, if healthy, vibrant patients are your priority. All foods have a high vibrational frequency when left in their natural state (fresh, raw, organic). New and improved will usually be found to be depleted of essential nutrients and could possibly contain toxic chemicals and GMOs. These foods will either have a low frequency or none at all. You are what you eat, drink and think. If your food and water has a low vibrational frequency, then it stands to reason so will your body. When the health practitioners have limited knowledge, so will you. If you are sick and tired, then it stands to reason so is your food and water. If your diet is heavy in toxins, then chances are, so is your body. When you are taught to understand how nature heals and how to avoid low vibrational food and drink then you will be truly blessed with the essential nutrients and the vibrational frequency that your body’s cells need to communicate for greater health. At the ‘Doc of Detox’ we will provide you with the latest up-to-date information in health along with the necessary tools and techniques to teach you this new philosophy of permanent health and healing.


There is common knowledge among science, medicine and metaphysics that certain frequencies can repel disease and certain frequencies can eliminate disease. Here lies the connection between frequency (vibration) and health. This energy vibration is in your body; the foods you eat and in the water you drink. The body eliminates all food and drink we take in; the only thing left behind is the energy and the frequencies within your food and drink.

Albert Einstein is best known for his physics equation E=mc2, that all matter contains waves of light and energy. Everything is frequency and frequency is everything. Once we become aware of the fact that we are energy bodies and that high vibrational food, water and nutrition are the driving force to a healthy life, we become unstoppable.

Dr. Robert Becker, MD, the author of The Body Electric, validates that the human body has an electrical frequency and that much about a person’s health can be determined by it.

Dr. Otto Warburg was a two-time Nobel Laureate and winner of the Nobel Prize for cancer research, for discovering that human cells have an electrical voltage. Your cells function more like a battery than a pool of chemicals. An acid environment is a diseased environment and an alkaline environment allows the cells to receive 10 to 20 times more oxygen, which is essential for a healthy metabolism. Our goal at the ‘Doc of Detox’ is to teach you how to become independent from drugs, therapies, specialists and the latest greatest medical or nutritional breakthrough. When you learn to Master your health you will Master your life.

How To Turn Off The Hunger Trigger

The majority of the population has been taught to only satisfy their appetite and hunger, when they should learn to nourish their bodies. We must return to nature, the land of the fresh and raw.

Our modern lifestyle has given us many things such as heart disease, mental illness and cancer – just to name a few.

Industrialized food does not provide the body with the essential nutrients it needs; the food chain has been broken for 60 years. Gentle Daily Cleansing will remove the source, that being the toxic load in your colon, but it doesn’t solve the problem of a malnourished body.

The more advanced man becomes, the more adulterated his food becomes. Processed food did not come about until the 1940’s and this was a sad day for your health.

Processed food offers little or no nutrition, but it has the taste people crave (plastic) in a nation where people are always hungry, always starving and always eating.


When we eat nourishing foods we supply the body with the right nutrients so it finds balance and turns off the hunger trigger; but when we eat processed, chemical-laden food the body is never satisfied because it gets so little nutrition. We must eat more and more thus overloading our system which does more harm than good. Whole, raw, fresh foods are the only real answer.

Roughage, which is mostly made up of fiber or cellulose is needed to work the colon, giving it the needed pressure to trigger a healthy, normal bowel movement.

A proper diet should consist of:

  • 10% Protein

  • 50% Vegetables

  • 20% Fruit

  • 20% Complex Carbohydrates

Cravings are caused because of a lack of a particular nutrient (minerals, vitamins, enzymes or acidophilus (good bacteria)). Healing will only take place when there is more good than bad within the body. Until this happens, no illness or disease can be reversed or prevented.

By: Dr. Darrell Wolfe

Author of the Best Selling Book ‘Healthy To 100’, International Lecturer, Teacher and World Renowned Health Practitioner

Do You Have These 3 Bad Bathroom Habits?

By: Dr. Darrell Wolfe

Author of the Best Selling Book ‘Healthy To 100’, International Lecturer, Teacher and World Renowned Health Practitioner

I have three questions for you…

  1. So how big is your stack of books in the bathroom?

  2. Do you have a special bathroom books?

  3. Is your best alone time spent in the bathroom?

Answering yes to any of these is a good clue that you have internal hemorrhoids and probably external hemorrhoids are here or on their way. A hiatal hernia could be just around the corner for this grunter groaner due to all that straining and pushing.

Signals From Your Stool


  • Is it soft, firm?

  • What is the color, is it light or medium brown?

  • Is it free from foul smell, odors?

  • Does it float?

  • Was it necessary to strain?

  • Does elimination take place 15 – 20 minutes after a meal?

  • Banana shaped?

  • Is it 5 to 7 inches long?



  • Remnants of undigested foods (Cellulose, fibers, etc.)

  • Remnants of digestible foods, which for one reason or another, did not get digested.

  • By-products or fermentation and bacterial breakdown of foodstuffs.

  • Mucus and salt secretions from the intestines.

  • Bacteria and parasites.

  • Broken down products of blood tissue salts.

In a normal bowel movement, the stool should have a diameter, which is approximately half the width of your wrist. It should not be so large that it is hard to pass, causes pain or bleeding of the rectum or hemorrhoids. It should not be long and stringy, pencil-thin or composed of small and hard balls.

The stool should be about the same consistency (density) as regular toothpaste squeezed from a tube. It should not be soft and watery. It should not be hard and compacted nor cause the toilet to become plugged up, or break the bowl.

The stool should be a medium brown color and should not contain dark material from old feces or black material, which may indicate bleeding in the upper GI tract or stomach.

It may be slightly colored from certain kinds of foods you recently ate, such as grapes or beets or very dark green vegetables. It should not be yellow, maroon like burgundy wine or grey.

The stool should not have a foul smell if it is entirely composed of the waste from food, which was consumed less than 24 hours ago.

If you pass gas it should not have a foul smell. Smelly farts may indicate that old, decaying fecal matter is stuck to the walls of your intestines.

The stool should float in the toilet if everything in it is waste material from food that has been properly digested. Stool that has become too compacted, hard and dense due to constipation will usually sink. The stool should not contain a lot of mucus. There should not be any small or large worms or other parasites visible inside or near the stool.

We want to be able to wipe clean and feel a sense of complete evacuation. Wiping clean should only take a few pieces of toilet paper… not a roll.

It’s amazing how often people do NOT have a sense of complete evacuation..

Every day, your body eliminates one hundred trillion bacteria if your digestive is performing optimally.

“Did you eliminate one hundred trillion bacteria today?

This is a job worth doing right before you’re unable to do it at all, so get moving. It’s Tea Time!

By: Dr. Darrell Wolfe

Author of the Best Selling Book ‘Healthy To 100’, International Lecturer, Teacher and World Renowned Health Practitioner

Can Detoxifying Ruin Your Health?

By: Dr. Darrell Wolfe

Author of the Best Selling Book ‘Healthy To 100’, International Lecturer, Teacher and World Renowned Health Practitioner

You often hear vague claims in the news that it’s important to detox or that you should do a colon cleanse (or other cleanse), but do you truly understand what this can do for your body if done right and the disaster that awaits you if you do it wrong or worse yet, not at all in these toxic times?

Most people DON’T understand how to cleanse in a safe, comfortable and effective way that restores health by enhancing the immune system. Most don’t understand that detoxifying your body can be a pleasure when you do it gently on a daily basis rather than making it something you have to endure.

The fact is that some cleanses can not only DESTROY your health and balance, but can also be the Catalyst that puts a health issue into full swing.

Not only that, but as you’ll see below, it’s common to feel really sick, noxious and unable to function while doing certain cleanses!

I recently consulted with a middle-aged man who has been having gallstone attacks. Over the years that he has been suffering, his family Doctor has tried to convince him to go under the knife and have his gallbladder removed, take a multitude of drugs and whatever else the system had in store for him.

Being as how he is an independent thinker, he didn’t listen to his doctor and instead researched ways of dealing with these painful stones.

He discovered a cleanse that works very well to eliminate the stones. So every time he would get an attack (three or four times a year) he would do this cleanse and eliminate hundreds of stones each time. It was painful and tedious putting him out of commission for a week each time this happened. So he would basically be out of commission for three to four weeks a year. Lying there, watching TV and …cleansing. No family fun. No work. No quality of life.

This is one of the reasons that so many people avoid internal cleansing.

The problem is he waited to do the cleanse UNTIL he had an issue instead of cleansing daily. Therefore his issue kept coming back with more and more vengeance. He didn’t eliminate the problem. He managed the symptoms. Kind of sounds like what the Doctor wanted to do…

There is a better way… It doesn’t have to be painful and in fact, you can actually feel awesome while you cleanse.

So now he cleanses daily and exercises gently daily, he eliminated many of the toxins in his diet and now feels amazing. And he felt amazing after only a couple of days.

As you follow this blog and search out the videos on this site, you’ll learn exactly what you need to understand to boost your metabolism, strengthen your immune system, PREVENT disease, and STOP the downward cycle of poor health, regardless of your “bad genetics”. But for now, let’s debunk a few myths.

4 Myths About Detoxification And The Reasons They Are Myths!

Myth #1 – Cleansing Seasonally Is The Best Way To Detoxify

Reason #1 – The body needs to cleanse 24/7 to establish and keep a strong immune system. Your immune system is protecting you 24/7 so it is only logical that you would cleanse daily so that your immune system operates at full potential in these toxic times.

Reason #2 – Cleansing seasonally allows toxic waste to build up. I believe the definition of insanity is that we allow toxic waste to build up so that our digestive and immune system has to break it down instead of eliminating the toxic waste daily. When we abuse these systems like this, they are not able to protect us as designed.

Reason #3 – Cleansing seasonally allows extra weight gain and premature aging. Just as people go on diets to lose weight, it is the same analogy to do deep cleanses every few months. Both only add up to more pounds. For weight and health to remain consistent, don’t diet, live it. Don’t wait to deep cleanse until you feel tired sick and toxic. Cleanse every day.


Myth #2 – The Best Time To Cleanse Is When I Start Feeling Poorly

Reason #1 – You are allowing toxins to build up in your system and potentially overwhelm your immune system. You have been educated into weakness. First to create your own toxic waste build-up and then to go in and attempt to clean up the mess.

Reason #2 – You’ve already caused inflammation and pain. Why do we need to create inflammation and pain before we do a deep cleanse? Why not cleanse gently everyday so that we don’t have to experience pain and inflammation.

Reason #3 – By this point the immune system has already become overburdened; the reason for deep cleansing is to rescue the immune system. If we were to cleanse gently every day then a rescue mission would not be needed.


Myth #3 – Our Organs Can Detoxify Us

Reason #1 – Our organs cannot keep up with the modern-day levels of toxins we ingest. We live in the most toxic time in history. The average person takes in more toxins in one day than they did in weeks, 75 years ago.

Reason #2 – Our organs are exhausted, inflamed, dehydrated and malnourished. Our organs can detoxify us under normal circumstances. There is nothing normal about the way we live today: toxic air, toxic water, toxic food, and toxic emotions. Supersize has become a normal way of life and body shape.



Myth #4 – Detoxifying Requires Suffering

Reason #1 – Deep intense cleanses, can and do cause suffering. Deep cleanses are the same as releasing the floodgates of a dam. Deep cleanses release huge amounts of highly toxic waste all at once, which floods overburdened, exhausted organs thus creating even more inflammation and mutation.

Reason #2 – Gentle, daily detoxification creates health and vitality without the undue pain. It is proven the gentle daily detoxification is the most effective way to eliminate or stop inflammation before it even starts. Where there is no inflammation, there cannot be pain. Where there is no pain, the immune system is not under attack.

Reason #3 – Gentle, daily detoxification creates health and vitality without the undue pain. Baby steps done daily with regards to detoxification is proven to be responsible for the elimination of 85% of all disease as quoted by the ‘Royal Society of Medicine’. When you change the rules, you change your life.


There is a solution to this. You can feel great and prevent needless suffering from disease or even the cleanse itself…Get started by taking the 3-minute detox test.

By: Dr. Darrell Wolfe

Author of the Best Selling Book ‘Healthy To 100’, International Lecturer, Teacher and World Renowned Health Practitioner

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