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Benefits of Biofeedback

Benefits of Biofeedback

If you think you might benefit from biofeedback training, you should discuss it with your physician or other health care professional, who may wish to conduct tests to make certain that your condition does not require conventional medical treatment first. Responsible biofeedback therapists will not treat you for headaches, hypertension, or most disorders until you have had a thorough physical examination. Some require neurological tests as well.


Biofeedback places unusual demands on patients. They must examine their day-to-day lives to learn if they may be contributing to their own distress. They must recognize that they can, by their own efforts, remedy some physical ailments. They must commit themselves to practicing biofeedback or relaxation exercises every day. They must change bad habits, even ease up on some good ones. Most important, they must accept much of the responsibility for maintaining their own health.

People suffering from the following conditions often respond well to stress reduction from Biofeedback:




Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) & ADHD

Brain Injuries

Chronic Fatigue

Chronic Pain


Digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome

High and low blood pressure

Eating disorders



Immune disorders




Learning Disabilities

Mental Health Conditions



Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Relaxation and stress management

Tension Headaches including Migraines

Weight loss


Biofeedback is particularly useful for managing stress as well as symptoms of conditions that may be exacerbated by stress.

Chronic stress can have a wide range of negative health effects including decreased immunity, heart disease, depression, digestive problems, and sleep disorders. By learning how to manage the stress response using biofeedback, people can decrease the harmful, physical and psychological effects of stress.

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